
pstree -a
ps auxww --forest

ps -o pid,args -e # show argument

Fedora 18 XFCE 4.10 Experience

I think the XFCE 4.10 in Fedora 18 fixed a couple of things
  • Audio Mixer is now similar to old one (from Gnome).
  • Folder/file browser is faster than before, but there is still a bit lag when I double click it.  I have i7 2600K, so there should be no lag.
Starting up is slower than before, but it acceptable since you only login once in a while...

setpci to disable usb3 ports on TUSB7320

# setpci -d 104c:8241 e0.L
# setpci -d 104c:8241 e0.L=0300
# setpci -d 104c:8241 e0.L

read/write eeprom

# $1 = offset
    setpci -d $DEVICE b1.b=$1
    setpci -d $DEVICE b2.b=a1
    setpci -d $DEVICE b0.b

# $1 = offset $2 = value
    setpci -d $DEVICE b0.b=$2
    setpci -d $DEVICE b1.b=$1
    setpci -d $DEVICE b2.b=a0