wireshark command line capture

tethereal -i eth0 -w mycapture.pcap

sending SIGTERM or SIGINT (ctrl-c) will cause it to exit cleanly.

Serial Port in Linux


stty -F /dev/ttyS10 
stty -F /dev/ttyS10 -a
stty -F /dev/ttyS10 230400 crtscts
stty -F /dev/ttyS10 230400 -crtscts


minicom -s

minicom ttys10  (ttys10 is a saved config)

ctrl-a q (quit)
ctrl-a o (config)
ctrl-z (help)


screen /dev/ttyS10 115200 
screen /dev/ttyS10 115200,crtscts 

ctrl-a K  (kill)
ctrl-a d  (detach)
ctrl-a i  (status)

$ sudo screen -ls
There are screens on:
        7578.pts-0.fedora (Detached)
        7575.pts-0.fedora (Detached)
        2009.pts-0.fedora (Detached)
$ sudo screen -r 7578 -X kill
$ sudo screen -r 7575 -X kill
$ sudo screen -r 2009 -X kill
$ sudo screen -ls
# copy and paste
C-a : bufferfile /etc/passwd
C-a < C-a ]
C-a : bufferfile
No Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-root.